July 23, 2020 MWD handlers demonstrate for Spangdahlem AB families The 52nd Security Forces Squadron hosted a demonstration for Spangdahlem Air Base families, July 22, 2020. The event was planned and coordinated by the Spangdahlem AB Library for their Summer Reading Program.
June 30, 2020 USAFE-AFAFRICA commander visits Spangdahlem AB for ACE U.S. Air Force Gen. Jeff Harrigian, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, visited the 52nd Fighter Wing during an Agile Combat Employment exercise at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, June 25, 2020.
June 23, 2020 Pitsenbarger ALS Class 20-E graduates Airman Leadership School is a five-week-long Air Force program designed to develop enlisted Airmen into effective front-line supervisors. It is the first Professional Military Education enlisted Air Force members encounter. View the full photo album here:
June 11, 2020 52nd LRS gear up in COVID-19 response Members from 52nd Logistics Readiness Squadron Individual Protective Equipment section have steadily supported the COVID-19 response by providing the base populous with proper gear, ensuring mission readiness at all times.
May 29, 2020 USAFE Band plays for local retirement home The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band visited retirement homes surrounding Spangdahlem Air Base in the villages of Trier, Wittlich, and Landscheid, Germany, to build partnerships between the base and local communities and support those most impacted by COVID-19 restrictions.
May 15, 2020 52nd FES tame flames from COVID-19 The 52nd Civil Engineer Squadron Fire and Emergency Services flight is staying mission ready through the COVID-19 pandemic by continuing training and responding to calls at a moment’s notice.
April 30, 2020 52 OSS Weather Flight storm through COVID-19 pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic, service members have to quickly adapt and do what they can to accomplish the mission. Having to physically distance themselves or stay home to protect their health can cause challenges and new ways of not only doing their jobs, but keeping their stress levels low.