Spangdahlem On-line ID Card Process
(Retiree and Dependent Renewals Only)
Step 1: Fill out the “Application to Renew” form (Attach this form with Step 2 documents)
Step 2: Sponsor complete the DD Form 1172-2
Have the sponsor (CAC holder or Retirees can create a DS log-on) access the DMDC website, click "Replace ID" next to dependent name, certify the DD Form 1172 for the dependent who is renewing his/her ID card via this link.
Step 3: Sponsor will submit pictures of their Dependent and 2x Supporting IDs via DoD SAFE
Step 4: Select "Drop Off"
Step 5: Your name, email, and organization should automatically populate in the From Box
Step 6: The “Add Recipients” box will pop up. In the Name field type Customer Support Box and use the following email address for the “email box”, Once completed select “Add & Close”.
Step 7: Select “Click to Add Files or Drag Them Here”
Files required are:
a: Two Supporting Identifications (2 forms of unexpired ID with the EXACT same name, front only).Each document will need to be its own attachment. One form for dependents 18 and under. (Provide "Lost Letter" if applicable)
b: Photo of Dependent for the ID card (passport style, from shoulders up, white/off white background)
c: Completed “Application to Renew” form
Step 8: Select "Drop-off Files"
Once the ID card is created you will receive an email from a 52D FSS Customer Support Office representative. Your current ID card will be terminated and you will return the expired card to the Customer Support office. If you do not receive an email within 5 working days of the date you submitted your file, please contact us to inquire on a status. If you call for a status please have your DoD Safe or Customer Support email available.
When picking up the IDs, you must bring the original two supporting identifications that were used to create the ID card with you upon pickup.
Dependents will sign the DD Form 1172 acknowledging receipt. The sponsor is not required to be present for ID card pick-up.