Niederkail's Historical Village Festival June 13-14

  • Published
  • By Iris Reiff
  • 52nd Fighter Wing Public Affairs
A Historic village festival will be taking place in Niederkail, Germany, June 13-14.

The festival features first class music, according to the organizers. "Several medieval demonstrations, children's entertainment, music, food and entertainment will take place during the two days. 

There is a 'loud'  but unique tradition that starts of the Historical Village Festival.

The "Saint Sebastian" Cannon Shooters from Arenrath will be in place shortly before to 4 p.m., June 13. Dressed in original outfits they will introduce activities with several really loud, cannon shots.  At this time, all the food stands and entertainment will be open to the visitors to explore.

Starting at 7 p.m., the Live-Band "Out of Control" will entertain with music.

June 14, the festival continues at 10 a.m., with a church service in the market square. Stands will open up at 11:30 a.m. Official will speak at this time welcoming visitors followed by the  Saint Hubertus Niederkail music association performing a brass band concert.

The Eifel poet's birth house in Niederkail, "the Peter Zirbes Museum" will open up its' doors to visitors at 2 p.m.  Several readings from the poet's books will be read by local residents. The Peter Zirbes House shows the original household with items from the past, giving visitors a good impression on how the poet lived and worked.

Among the entertainment highlights of the festival will be a concert performance by the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band "Touch'n Go" at 2:30 p.m. on stage, with the Spangdahlem Air Base "Out of Duty" band taking over at 7:30 p.m.

The Cultural Society of Niederkail invites local residents and base members with their families to join in the festivities and party mile. Various food specialties will be offered throughout the festival.