702d Munitions Support Squadron

"Leading the Way through Unity, Professionalism and Excellence"


Before Arriving to Germany

The 702 Munition Support Squadron (MUNSS) operates on Büchel AB which is a German Air Force installation. This means we do not have a commissary, Base Exchange, or gas station like a normal American military installation. For all these services, our Airmen shop on the local economy which offers a great variety in food, or travel to Spangdahlem AB. Büchel AB does offer a small shoppette located in Community Activity Center (CAC) that offers snacks and drinks.

American washers and dryers will NOT function in German homes, so please do not pack them in your household goods. The Spangdahlem Furnishing Management Office (FMO) will provide you with a German washer, dryer, and refrigerator. Transformers, temporary furnishings, appliances, closets, and cabinets are all available from FMO. They will deliver these products to you by appointment.

Once you arrive, you are authorized 20 days of reimbursable lodging expenses while house hunting. You will be eligible for per diem at this time to help with expenses while you look for a home. Please ensure to keep all your receipts to file for reimbursement.

Your cell phone may not work in another country. If you intend to use your phone here, it must be unlocked by the existing carrier. Skype, Facetime, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger are a few FREE programs that you can use to communicate with your family members during your tour.

If you intend to ship a vehicle to Germany please remember to do this as much in advance as possible. Vehicle shipments can take 1 – 3 months. Due to our location, a reliable and capable car is one of the most important factors to getting around Germany. Rental cars are available, but are not a reimbursable expense.

Buchel Base Services

Community Activity Center
The Valhalla Lounge provides a place for our Airmen and their families to come together and enjoy some down time. Have a drink of your choice while enjoying a game of pool, foosball, corn hole, ping pong, or while just relaxing outside during the sunny days. Not only is it a place for entertainment but also a place for delicious food and drinks. An ATM is also available in the facility to withdraw Euro and US Dollars.

Driver’s License
Active-duty personnel and eligible family members will be required to test for a USAREUR driver’s license. The test can be found in JKO under “U.S Forces Driver’s Training Program for Europe.” Please ensure you and your licensed dependents complete the course and take the driving test prior to arrival.

Post Office
The post office offers USPS services. Check with your sponsor to obtain a mailbox prior to your arrival. You can also contact the Postmaster at 314-456-5235.

There is a small shoppette located in the Community Activity Center that offers snacks, drinks, and household items for purchase.

Dining Facility
The Odin’s Hall provides topnotch food service for the Büchel community. They serve a variety of entrees, salads, desserts, and other items hot off the grill.

Fitness Center
The Fitness Center is available to all our Airmen and their families. Fitness personnel are available Monday – Friday from 0730 – 1630. 24/7 access to the Fitness Center is available. Contact the Fitness Manger at 314-456-5352 for more

Helpful Info

Commander’s Welcome Letter

Traveling with pets?
Frankfurt Airport animal FAQs

POV Shipping/Vehicle Registration
Spangdahlem Vehicle Registration

Spangdahlem Housing has a Büchel rep to assist you in finding a home.

The Medical Aid Station provides active-duty members access to acute and routine medical needs, prescription renewals, annual/occupational exams. Dependent and additional medical care is provided at Spangdahlem Air Base.
52nd Medical Group Spangdahlem AB 

The local area

Fliegerhorst Büchel lies on a ridge in the Eifel mountains approximately nine miles from the Mosel River. To the south of the Mosel lies the Hunsrück mountains and far to the east, the Rhine River, and the mountains of the Westwald. Many places of interest are within a short drive.

Thirty miles to the northeast is the city of Koblenz, a modern city of approximately 250,000 residents. The city provides an excellent shopping area. Fifty-one miles to the southwest is the city of Trier, the oldest Roman city in Germany. Trier was the northern capital of the Roman Empire and evidence of the Roman period can be found in the city's architecture. Trier also provides modern shopping for the residents of this area. Further to the North are the cities of Koln (Cologne) and Bonn. These cities offer all the conveniences expected in world trade centers. Germany is a country that does not accept credit cards at most restaurants and business. We recommend always carrying Euro with you. You can withdraw Euro from the Community Center on Büchel or Spangdahlem AB.

The town of Büchel, from which the base takes its name, is a tiny farming village located in the Eifel Mountains. The Eifel area is volcanic in origin and has low volcanic peaks sitting on a plateau about 760 meters in elevation. The Mosel is one of the world's richest wine producing areas. A drive along the Mosel River uncovers a breathtaking view of steep mountainsides covered with grape fields falling to the banks of the river.