Top Saber Performer

  • Published
  • By Courstey of
  • 701st Munitions Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Trevis Walker, 701st Munitions Maintenance Squadron, is the 52nd Fighter Wing's Top Saber Performer for the week of Sept 25 - Oct. 1.

Name: Trevis Walker

Unit: 701st Munitions Support Squadron

Duty title: NCO in charge of support

Hometown: Chattanooga, Ten.

Years in Service: Five years

Why joined: I joined for school and to get out and see the world.

Family: My wonderful wife of four years, Sarah, and Hailey, our 3-year-old daughter.

Hobbies: Video games, movies and music

Favorite aspect of job: Interacting with our host nation and getting to know their lifestyle.

Most memorable Air Force experience: The senses of job satisfaction when you are deployed and actually see your job make a difference in the Air Force.