Fact Sheets

Featured Fact Sheet:  USAFE

U.S. Air Forces in Europe, with headquarters at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, is a major command of the U.S. Air Force. It is also the air component of the U.S. European Command, a Department of Defense unified command.
Read the full fact sheet. 

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470th ABS - Immunization Clinic


Location: Building 208
Telephone number: (49) 2451993330, DSN: 314-458-3330

Hours of Operation:
Monday: 0830 to 1145, closed 1145 to 1245, 1245 to 1545
Tuesday:  0800 to 1145, closed 1145 to 1245, 1245 to 1545
Wednesday:  0800 to 1145, closed 1145 to 1245, 1245 to 1545
Thursday: 0800 to 1145, closed 1145 to 1245, 1245 to 1545
Friday: 0800 to 1200

Third Wednesday of every month we closed at 12 noon for readiness training
Closed for NATO holidays and down days

Immunization Clinic Information:
Geilenkirchen NATO AB U.S. Immunization Clinic is operated by one clinician at all times.
Wait times vary depending on the season.
- Active Duty Military are the priority. If wait time are long, the Immunization clinic will call for Active Duty in uniform first.
- New patients to the clinic or patients seen off-base need to bring current vaccination records with them.

Pre-employment physicals (CDCs)
- This CANNOT be done on a Thursday. You need a tuberculosis test.
- You are given a checklist for the clinic in your package of clearance paperwork. Please follow them from top to bottom.
- Please bring in all your shot records along with your pre-employment packet. Once at the Immunizations task, all vaccines will be administered or labs ordered.
- Prior to scheduling the appointment with providers you must complete the tasks and Immunization Clinic will schedule your appointment.

Deployment personnel need to process through Public Health prior to Immunization Clinic and bring paperwork.

Traveling process
- Public Health - will establish what vaccines are required for the area of travel. You will be given a paper to take to the Immunization Clinic.
- Immunization Clinic - will administer required vaccines and make sure that your records are current and up-to-date. There are special considerations for certain vaccines. (see the following vaccine information.)

Yellow Fever vaccine
- Must be administered at a minimum of 10 days prior to travel date for it to be certified and entry into the country allowed.
- Please plan accordingly as sometimes we need a minimum of 3 individuals to open a vial.

Shingles Vaccine
- For 50 years of age or older. If you are younger than 50 and are at high risk, you will need a prescription from your primary care provider to receive the vaccine.

Tuberculosis Test (PPD)
- Must be read between 48 and 72 hours. If it is not, the test will need to be replaced.
- Test is not given on Thursdays or in conjunction with a holiday or down day.

- No appointment to be scheduled. This is a walk in clinic.
- All records will be reviewed and needed immunizations will be administered prior to signing letters. Letters need to be printed from your vMPF/Outprocessing briefing.

Vaccine Refusal
- If it is your wish to refuse certain vaccines you need to schedule an appointment with your provider.
- If a refused vaccine is a requirement for school, you will need to go to the school and fill out a vaccine refusal form that they provider.
- We need to document all vaccine refusals in your medical record.

Applying for U.S. VISA
- When you are starting the process, please see Immunization clinic prior to scheduling an appointment at the Embassy. Bring your previous shot records with you.
- Vaccine requirements may require proof of immunity test. These can take up to 3 weeks for results to come back. This will save you time and money. Vaccines at the Embassy cost 50€ a piece.
- Vaccine requirements are as follows: Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Polio, Varicella, Hepatitis A, and other vaccine preventable diseases.

Miscellaneous Pearls of Wisdom:
- Customers are typically seen 1st come/1st served; waiting times will vary.
- If you (or family member) have received vaccines at non-AF facilities, bring a copy of the vaccination record for transcription. Army, Navy, & AF databases do not always interconnect.
- Transcription of vaccination records may take 24-48 hours during peak season.
- Always keep a copy of vaccination records; internet outages are common.
- Immunization Clinic staff will not sign paperwork (PCS, sports, school, etc.) unless all age-appropriate vaccinations have been administered.

Immunization Schedules for Infants and Children
Immunization Schedules for Preteens and Teens
Immunization Schedules for Adults (19 and up)
Vaccine Information Statements
Questions on Vaccines

MyIMR (AD members can access/print immunization records for themselves as well as their child): https://imr.afms.mil/imr/MyIMR.aspx

*must use a CAC ID enabled computer

**It works best for USAF personnel, but may be useful to USA, USN, USMC personnel that receive vaccinations at AF clinics/hospitals.           

*** AD members can also access their dependent children shot records on this site as well as the worksheet stating when the next vaccines are due for them. At this time it does not allow AD to access dependent spouse records. Spouses will need to report to the Clinic for a copy of their records.

52nd Fighter Wing

52nd Fighter Wing shield

Mission: Deliver Airpower options to deter and combat aggression.

The 52nd FW maintains, deploys and employs F-16CM Fighting Falcons in support of NATO and the national defense directives.

Read the full fact sheet.

Wing History

Base history

   Spangdahlem AB and the 52nd Fighter Wing have a rich history. The wing has seen many people and aircraft come and go throughout the years, but one thing remains the same. The 52nd has always been prepared to SEEK ATTACK DESTROY.

Complete History


   The F-16 Fighting Falcon is a compact, multi-role fighter aircraft. It is highly maneuverable and has proven itself in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attack. It provides a relatively low-cost, high-performance weapon system for the United States and allied nations.

Read the full fact sheet.

Base Personnel

The Public Affairs office is unable to redirect calls or provide phone numbers. If searching for a phone number on base, call the base operator.

Calling from CONUS:
Comm: 011-49-6565-61-1110
DSN: 314-452-1110

Calling from Germany:
Comm: 06565-61-1110
DSN: 314-452-1110